teaching machines

quick coconut platformer

NA Mercy Bounty Drawings

I have always been interested in 2D fighting games. This drawing is based off the character Ryu from street fighter. Puzzle Game

CS 491 Lecture 22 – Revolution Cont’d

Agenda what ?s adding a planet spawner picking up planets with a DistanceJoint2D detaching satellites Code 6acbe07 Haiku

CS 491 Lecture 21 – Revolution

Agenda what ?s Revolution TODO Watch 2D Scrolling Backgrounds. Jot down 2-3 questions, observations, or games that have memorable backgrounds on a 1/4 sheet for Friday. Note Today we launch a Revolution! The moon people across space are dizzy for all their orbiting. Your task is to destroy their host planets by picking them up in your spaceship, […]

The Thief – WEIRC

http://xiaotang923.itch.io/the-thief?secret=G0iVgzsfXrnI589pmeOPQdHiDdQ If you play now, let me know if you find any bugs/problems, so I can fix it before our demo time! 11/18/2015

Platformer: Tower

CS 491 Lecture 20 – Chain Cont’d

Agenda what ?s TODO Game Jam or work time? Code … Haiku

CS 491 Lecture 19 – Chain

Agenda what ?s a swinging chain mechanic modeling a link in Madeup HingeJoint2D Code … Haiku

Broken Scott Pilgrim

oops Gimp didn’t delete each layer   Sources: http://www.gimp.org/tutorials/Simple_Animations/ http://blaiprat.github.io/jquery.animateSprite/img/scottpilgrim_multiple.png

Walking Mech

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