teaching machines

Cabin Scene brownif

April 22, 2015 by . Filed under cs455, postmortems, spring 2015.

This project was a little less tricky than the magnets one since we have already done labs that cover many of the things we needed to accomplish in this project and I am starting to understand OpenGL more. I started out by using the specular lab as a jumping off point and then created a ground and wall that use different textures and use the rotating sun to change the color. After I implemented that i was able to build a cabin piece by piece which meant i had to create another fragment shader to take care of the uv coordinates. One obstacle was to figure out how to find images online for the textures and convert them as PPM P3 format. Once i figured this out i was able to put various textures on different parts of the cabin such as the walls, roof and chimney. The last part was to adjust the pieces to fit properly in my world which i could move through with the camera.
