teaching machines

Final Project – BarApp

This one was a lot tougher to do that expected since the other half of my program was not being completed due to the unfortunate accident that put Mike in the hospital. Originally the design document called for a local cache of bar specials to be stored on each phone and was going to have […]

kozuchaj hw3 Meme generator

For this homework I decided to work with an automated meme generator provided by: http://api.automeme.net/ Their service was really easy to use in all that I had to do was GET the results of one of the webpages listed on their website instructions. One problem I ran into was that they do not format their JSON […]

kozuchaj hw2 states list

For my homework two I wrote a simple application to query a list of states (or whatever for that matter), display them in a listview in the main activity and should the user decide to click on one it brings up a second view activity to give them more info based off of queried info […]

kozuchaj hw1

I wrote a basic math flash cards application. The user is greeted with a menu screen with basic info about the program, and a button to start playing. I tried to implement a settings menu attached to this screen but I couldn’t get it to open at all. Once the use hits play they are […]

kozuchaj homework 0

Name: PewPew – http://pewpewgame.blogspot.com/ Images: Discussion: There are several ways to learn how to use the app, there is a short tutorial that you can do which takes you through the basics of ship movement, Shooting, powerups, and shields (lives). Other than that there is the tried and true way of picking up the sticks […]