teaching machines

Cribbage Statician – Final Project Brian Kendzior

My final project was an extension of my databases project – a full featured cribbage board in your pocket with statistics tracking! I drew up a quick “flow-diagram” in mspaint of the different activities that I used in my project. As you can see, the flow of getting from the main menu to the game […]

Final Project – Brian Kendzior – Cribbage Statician V1.0 (bringing it out of beta)

For my final project, I plan on fully implementing Cribbage Statician (my database project). Because of scope problems I was never able to fully implement multiplayer statistic tracking, which would be first on my wish-list. I would also like to be able to track players scores throughout the game on a graphical representation of a […]

Last.fm Artist Finder – kendziba hw3

For this homework assignment I decided to hook into the API of one of my favorite online music sites; last.fm! Last.fm is an online community focused around tracking the music users listen to and providing recommendations based on that data. Last.fm also does a very good job at providing useful data about different musicians like […]

CS491 – Homework 2 “Cribbage Statician” – Brian Kendzior

The goal for the CribbageStatician is to allow users to seemlessly play games of cribbage and record their points into the app. The app will then keep track of the individual scores for games and correctly notify players when 120 points has been reached. At the end of each round, the statistics are recorded into […]

Homework 1 – 8BitKnowledge

My android flashcard application is a quiz of one’s knowledge of classic video game clips. The app is pretty straightforward. I created a class (Audio Container) that holds, randomizes, and serves all of the audio clips to the main activity. The main activity holds the overall game logic, comparisons between a user’s entered text, as […]

CS491 – Homework 0 – Brian Kendzior

Application Name: Alarm Clock (Stock app) Observations: Not having an android device of my own means that I had to use the emulator for my app critique, and the emulators don’t have access to the app store! So, I chose to do a critique of the ever-exciting built-in app, Alarm Clock! New users coming to […]